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I am an Assistant Professor at the Finance Department at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam. I received a PhD in Financial Economics from the University of Amsterdam in 2019.

My work covers topics in climate finance, financial intermediation, monetary policy, and intangible capital.

My papers are listed below, also see my Google Scholar Profile

Working Papers

  • Voting on Public Goods: Citizens vs. Shareholders
  • With Doron Levit, Nadya Malenko, and Magdalena Rola-Janicka
  • Selected conferences: 3rd Holden Conference in Finance and Real Estate, OU-RFS Climate and Energy Conference
  • Invited for the RFS Dual Submission Track
  • CLS Blue Sky Blog
  • Too Levered for Pigou: Carbon Pricing, Financial Constraints, and Leverage Regulation
  • With Magdalena Rola-Janicka
  • Selected conferences: SFS Cavalcade 2024, Adam Smith Workshop 2024, EWFS 2024, WFA 2023, EFA 2023, FTG Spring Meeting 2023, SITE 2022.
  • Monetary Policy, Carbon Transition Risk, and Firm Valuation
  • With Adrian Lam
  • Selected conferences: SGFIN Research Conference on Sustainability Singapore 2024, EEA 2024.
  • Do Voluntary Pledges Make Loans Greener?
  • With Tobias Berg, Xander Hut, and Wolf Wagner
  • Selected conferences: CEPR Paris Symposium (Finance cluster) 2024, GRETA CREDIT conference 2024.
  • Creating Intangible Capital
  • With Enrico Perotti and Tomislav Ladika
  • Reject & Resubmit, Management Science
  • Selected conferences: AFA Annual Meeting and FIRS

  • Older Working Papers

  • Secular Trends and Technological Progress
  • With Enrico Perotti
  • Among others, presented at the NBER Summer Institute (Capital Markets and the Economy Workshop) and the CEPR Annual Macro and Growth Meeting

  • Discussions

    Slides are available upon request. Feel free to send me an e-mail if you are interested!

  • Altavilla, Boucinha, Pagano, and Polo. Climate Risk, Bank Lending and Monetary Policy (CEPR Climate Change & the Environment Programme Conference 2024)
  • Allen, Barbalau, and Zeni. Reducing Carbon using Regulatory and Financial Market Tools (FIRS 2024)
  • Sannino. Committing to Trade: A Theory of Intermediation (BSE Summer Forum 2024)
  • Andersen, Chebotarev, Filali-Adib, and Nielsen. Rich and Responsible: Is ESG a Luxury Good? (CEPR Ninth European Workshop on Household Finance 2024)
  • Corell and Papoutsi. Borrowing Beyond Bounds: How Banks Pass On Regulatory Compliance Costs (Tilburg Finance Summit 2024)
  • Wiwattanakantang, Mehrotra, Roth, and Tsujimoto. Index Inclusion and Corporate Social Performance: Evidence from the MSCI Empowering Women Index (SGF Conference 2024)
  • Bisceglia, Piccolo, and Schneemeier. Externalities of Responsible Investments (Vienna Finance Theory Festival 2023)
  • Biais and Landier. Emission caps and investment in green technologies (Luxembourg Conference in Sustainable Finance 2022)
  • Goldstein, Huang, and Yang. Open Banking Under Maturity Transformation (HEC Banking in the Age of Challenges Conference 2022)
  • Su. The Macroeconomics of TechFin (EFA 2022)
  • Geelen, Hajda, Morellec, and Winegar. Financing Cycles (JEF Amsterdam 2022)
  • Granja and Moreira. Product Innovation and Credit Market Disruptions (Barcelona GSE Summer Forum 2021)
  • Hong, Lu, and Pan. FinTech Platforms and Mutual Fund Distribution (ERIC 2021)
  • Dreyer. Mispricing, Misallocation, and Corporate Investment (Paris December Finance Meeting 2021)
  • Wang. Banks, Low Interest Rates, and Monetary Policy Transmission (Barcelona GSE Summer Forum 2019)
  • Terovitis. Raising capital under demand uncertainty (Benelux Corporate Finance Day 2019)
  • Derrien, Fresard, Slabik, and Valta. The Negative Effects of Mergers and Acquisitions on the Value of Rivals (EFA 2018)
  • Jorda, Schularick, Taylor, and Ward. Global Financial Cycles and Risk Premiums (Bundersbank Conference Financial Cycles and Regulation 2018)
  • Ahnert and Perotti. Seeking Safety (IWH FIN-FIRE Conference 2018)

  • Refereeing

    Journal of Finance; Review of Financial Studies; Journal of Monetary Economics; Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking; Journal of Corporate Finance; Journal of Banking and Finance; Review of Corporate Finance Studies; Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control; Macroeconomic Dynamics; Journal of International Money and Finance


    At Rotterdam School of Management, I am currently teaching:

  • Monetary Policy, Banks, and Financial Markets (B.Sc. minor)
  • Corporate Finance (M.Sc. Finance and Investments)
  • Supervising several master theses, with a focus on topics in financial intermediation and sustainable finance.

  • Contact

    • adressAddress
      Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam
      Burgemeester Oudlaan 50
      Mandeville Building, Room T08-46
      3062 PA Rotterdam
    • maileMail
    • mailOffice Phone
      +31 (0)10 40 82748